Previous Positions

Linguist and Language Technology Resident

The Lacuna Fund will soon be putting out a 2nd call for African NLP datasets. Masakhane and the Lacuna Fund are jointly opening a position for a Resident who will work to build avenues and resources for greater multi-disciplinary collaboration with linguists. This work is in a bid to open up further possibilities in language technologies, primarily in the creation of datasets, and build relationships that can support applications to the 2nd Lacuna funding call for language datasets.

Through some interaction with several linguists who are already part of Masakhane, we have learnt that:


This will be a three month role. 

Given the majority representation of NLP researchers within Masakhane, the ideal candidate for this role is a linguist who has access to networks and communities of linguists and has collaborated on Masakhane projects. This positions them well to access the individuals with the profiles needed to partake in the research work.



Number of Individuals: 1

Time commitment: 10 to 15 hours a week (will vary)

Remuneration: US$ 1000 per month

Duration: 3 months (October to January with a break for the holidays)

Location: Remote

How to apply: Email your CV and 500 words motivation, highlighting relevant experience, to

Application Deadline: 22 September 2021

Francophone Engagement Resident

The Lacuna Fund will soon be putting out a 2nd call for African NLP datasets. Masakhane and the Lacuna Fund are jointly opening a position to complement the 2nd call for proposals for AfricaNLP datasets to enable more inclusion, facilitate more collaborations and partnerships across the continent

Masakhane and Lacuna are jointly opening a Francophone Engagement Residency. Among members of our community, it is increasingly becoming apparent that, courtesy of English being the language of Science, Francophone and Lusophone African researchers and subsequently languages are being left behind. In a bid to begin closing this gap, we propose a series of activities to be led by several members of our community who belong to these underrepresented groups.


As part of the Francophone Engagement Residency, you would be responsible for


Number of Individuals:

Time commitment: 10 to 15 hours a week (will vary)

Remuneration: US$ 1000 per month

Duration: 3 working months (October to mid-Jan, allowing for a break in December)

Location: Remote

How to apply: Email your CV and 500 words motivation, highlighting relevant experience, to

Application Deadline: 22 September 2021

Mentorship and Collaboration Resident

The Lacuna Fund is putting out a 2nd call for African NLP datasets. Masakhane and the Lacuna Fund are jointly opening a position to complement the 2nd call for proposals for AfricaNLP datasets. The Mentorship and Collaboration Resident will work with individuals and teams to grow their ideas, facilitate more collaborations and partnerships across the continent, therefore enabling inclusion and stronger applications to the 2nd Lacuna Call for Language datasets.

This would entail several sets of activities whose main purpose will be to make individuals in the ecosystem aware of each other's work, and where applicable, encourage them to collaborate ahead of the next call for funding.



Number of Individuals: 2

Time commitment: 10 to 15 hours a week (will vary)

Remuneration: US$ 1000 per month

Duration: 3 working months  (October to mid-Jan, allowing for a break in December)

Location: Remote

How to apply: Email your CV and 500 words motivation, highlighting relevant experience, to

Application Deadline: 22 September 2021